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HomeHOF 2023-2024

2023 - 2024

4X-GMPR GRHRCH Cooperstowns Splendid Splinter MH

Write-up: and Photo by: Justin VanDeHey

Describing Teddy in one word is nearly impossible, but I think he epitomizes the term “versatile hunting companion.” Very few pointing labs have had the hunt test career and accomplishments that Teddy has achieved. As one of the first pointing labs to earn the vaunted title of Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GRHRCH), he was one of the dogs that helped raise the bar when it comes to retriever work in pointing labs. As a handler, when running multiple dogs at the same test, I would always run Teddy first so I could see how the test would go because I knew if I did something wrong he would bail me out. Honestly, he helped many other dogs earn titles as a result of this. He has also demonstrated his consistency and versatility in the competition world by earning his 4x Grand Master Pointing Retriever title with the APLA, his Master Hunter with the AKC, and joining the Honorable 1,000 Point Club with the HRC.

Hunt tests are only one part of Teddy’s journey. Teddy has hunted waterfowl (ducks and geese) and upland birds including pheasants, prairie grouse, ruffed grouse, and woodcock, all over the United States. He is a true gentleman’s gundog as he is steady and quiet in the duck blind, but then a bird finding, pointing, and retrieving machine in the upland field. Everyone who hunts with Teddy comes away impressed.

His performance in the field is equally matched by his temperament at home. Teddy truly has that on-off switch we all desire in our dogs. Since he was a young pup my daughters could walk him at heel, and he sleeps in bed with our girls. He is our puppy socializer and even tolerates the house cats playing with him. Given his amazing temperament and calm-demeanor we decided to get Teddy certified as a Therapy Dog. This has been incredibly rewarding for both Teddy and I as we have spent hours visiting students at the local university, area nursing homes; and, our favorite place, our local elementary school’s special needs department. Teddy is a celebrity at the elementary school. He has earned multiple volunteer awards there, and he even has his own wall of fame! While we are extremely proud of this, again this is only part of what makes Teddy so special.

Teddy is also a proven producer and has helped advance the pointing lab breed. He has consistently produced pups with staunch and stylish natural point, excellent marking abilities, good looks, and even better temperaments. When I think of what a Hall of Fame Pointing Labrador is, I believe they have to demonstrate a special level of versatility, talent, and accomplishments. Teddy certainly has done this and more, all while being my family’s consummate companion and friend. He truly is a once in two-lifetimes dog!

Registered Name

4X-GMPR GRHRCH Cooperstown's Splendid Splinter Of Blazing Red MH

Call Name













4X-GMPR, GRHRCH,1000 Point Club, SPOT-ON, MH,CGC-A, CGC-U, Certified Therapy Dog


Christopher Noel Valentie


Justin and Breanna VanDeHey

4X-GMPR HR Tiger Mtn's Midnight Reign SH

Write-up: Jennifer Keane, Photo: Dale and Brenda Merritt

Coming Soon

Registered Name

Tiger Mtn's Midnight Reign

Call Name















Kirke White MD


Jennifer Keane

4X-GMPR, TC OGF Clara Allen MH QA2

Write-up: Doug Dodge Photo: Doug Dodge

4X GMPR TC OGF Clara Allen MH QA2 was born May 2014 from our second Burke (Ty x Roux) X Abbie mating. Her other two notable littermates were FC AFC Hex and GRHRCH Boot QA2. Other siblings include 4X GMPR OGF Woodrow MH QA2, HRCH OGF Augustus MH QA2, 4XGMPR TC HRCH OGF Bandit Queen MH QA2 and many other QAA, GMPR, GRHRCH, and MH dogs.

Clara was trained as a field trial prospect. She earned derby points, gained her MH title, passed Master Amateur Invitational (MAI), and won a qualifying field trial the day after passing the MAI. She was very versatile. Whatever game was being played; she was up for the challenge.

Clara had always shown a strong natural propensity to point. (She pointed cats in our yard!) On her first upland bird encounter, she held point like she’d been doing it all her life. She went on to get her 4X and was one of seven who completed the triple crown in 2022. Her sister Belle was also one of those seven.

Clara was a very friendly, happy, and trainable dog. There was never a person or dog she didn’t like. If a person happened to be near her, she’d nuzzle their hand for attention. She was very playful with other dogs and tried to mother everyone’s pups.

She has produced many pointing labs including 4X GMPR TC HRCH Preacher MH QA2, GMPR Betsy, and 3.5GMPR Axl MH, as well as many AKC MH’s, UKC HRCH’s, and field trial qualified all age dogs.

Her last competition was TC in Colorado. She passed away Nov. 2023 from cancer complications.

Registered Name

4X-GMPR, TC OGF Clara Allen MH QA2

Call Name















Lynn Dodge


Doug Dodge

4xGMPR TGK’s The Mountain’s Are Bleu, SH

Write-up: Aaron Stover, Photo: Aaron Stover

It was Christmas Eve 2010, and we were all hustling to get ready for Christmas Eve services all while hosting family for dinner. Just as everyone was about to walk out the door to church, I decided to check on Nala who was due with her litter at any time. As anyone knows who raises dogs, they never have a litter at a convenient time and sure enough Nala had just started delivering pups. I stayed home while everyone else went to church and I monitored Nala delivering pups early into Christmas morning. Our family had decided to keep a puppy from this litter and since we had several deposits for yellow females, we decided to keep the last available of the five born and named her TGK’s The Mountains are Bleu. Our good friend Justin Poore took the second to last female: Winne who also earned a 4xGMPR title. When our customers are concerned about their order of pick, I share the story of these two successful “last picked” champions. 

Everything Bleu did for us seemed to make for a good story, including being born on Christmas! Bleu was our flagship dog for many years and our first 4xGMPR laying the foundation for so many of her offspring. Bleu was a relentless hunting dog, pinpoint marker, staunch pointer, a fantastic mother to her pups and above all else a loyal family pet loved by all who met her. It always made me smile and still does when people would visit our home or pick up a pup and ask to meet Bleu. Bleu loved to go on out of town road trips and loved the trailer rides to get to the happy hunting grounds. It broke my heart late in her years to watch her bark and prance in her kennel when she got too old to take on hunting trips; until her last day she still wanted to go. Bleu’s legacy will live on as she produced 15 dogs with titles in the APLA: nine dogs with CPR titles, one titled as a 3.5xGMPR and AKC Master National Retriever, four dogs with 4xGMPR titles, and one Triple Crown Winner to date. She is most certainly the mom of countless more amazing hunting dogs and family friends with her pedigree including our own Coors and Kobe who are proudly carrying on the fine tradition of excellent pointing labs from TGK’s Nebraska Pointing Labs.


Thank you APLA for this one final honor of admitting Bleu into the Hall of Fame; she certainly deserves it!

Registered Name

TGK'S The Mountains Are Bleu

Call Name















Aaron Stover


Aaron Stover